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The commitment to access for horses and riders is a vital part of the charitable work carried out by The British Horse Society. The BHS recognises the importance of safe off-road riding not only for our members but for all equestrians.
BHS Borders has a representative on the Local Access Forum which is consulted by the Scottish Borders Council when it oversees the implementation of The Land Reform Act in the Borders.
The Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2003 and the associated Scottish Outdoor Access Code encourages riders to make the most of their right of responsible access.  People must not be afraid to hack out, as long as they are responsible and adhere to the three core principles:
1)      Respect the interests of other people
2)      Care for the environment
3)      Take responsibility for your own actions
As a commitment to improving access for equestrians in the Borders, the BHS Borders Committee is considering sponsoring the improvement of  an established, well used riding route, where, for example, a horse friendly gate, a hedge cut back, improved drainage or surfacing at a gateway would make all the difference.  The route should preferably connect through to further established routes, creating a network.
Please send us your suggestions for consideration, describing the problem area, preferably with map references; the number of riders who regularly use the route; the name and address of the Landowner involved and whether he/she has been consulted.
Please contact Beryl Masson  BHS Borders Access Officer
Swinside Hall, Oxnam, Jedburgh, TD8 6ND
Tel: 01835 840298

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